One of my least favorite aspects of being sick is the all too often encountered duo of nausea and vomiting. It feels horrible and for me eventually leads to pulled muscles and ER trips for IV fluids and meds. I spent most of the MLK holiday afternoon a few weeks ago in the ER for this. I can think of a few places I would have enjoyed more.
There were two major benefits to my recent trip to the ER and some other good info.
- First, it got my stomach calm enough to keep liquids down so I was only there for a couple hours.
- Second, and more important in the long term, the ER doc told me about the oral rapid dissolve form of Zofran that is available. I was intrigued and relieved that there was an alternative to the pills that were clearly not being absorbed properly in my stomach. I’m happy to report that the dissolving tablets feel like they’re working a little better.
- Third, more as a point of interest because I didn’t know it exists, the ER doc also told me about a suppository form of Phenergan. Personally, I’m a little squeamish about this method of delivery, but when the options are go to the ER or find a non-oral route… the decisions sometimes make themselves.
I’ve also found the old standby, ginger ale, to be helpful as a restart fluid. I’ve been mixing it with juice or Gatorade to create the illusion of a flavor variety.
Oh, shoveling also seems to aggravate this, so mother nature can keep diverting the snow around DC for the rest of the winter. I thought my days of throwing up in bushes were over. ;)